45th Anniversary

45th Anniversary

Ballymena Floral Art Group held their Sapphire Anniversary Dinner in Leighinmohr House Hotel, Ballymena on 23rd March 2022 with James Burnside (NAFAS National Demonstrator) rounding off a wonderful evening with a fantastic demonstration titled “Let’s Celebrate“. Also attending was NIGFAS…

40th Anniversary

40th Anniversary

To mark the occasion of the club’s 40th Ruby Anniversary, a Celebration dinner was held at the Ross Park Hotel, Kells on the 15th April 2015. Guests and members enjoyed a champagne reception upon entering the function room. The room…

35th Anniversary

35th Anniversary

Sandra Carson, President and Founder of Ballymena Floral Art Group, cut the 35th Anniversary Cake at the Group’s celebratory Coral Dinner and Annual Prize Distribution, held on Wednesday 14th April, in Leighinmohr House Hotel Chairman, Dr. Muriel Whitten, welcomed everyone…

30th Anniversary

30th Anniversary

Our 30th Anniversary celebrations included a visit to Lord and Lady Dunleath’s estate at Ballywalter Park on 17th September 2004. We also celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a dinner in the Great Hall at Galgorm Manor Hotel on 20th April…

25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary

The group’s 25th Anniversary celebration took the form of a coach trip on 14th June 2000 for a day of unadulterated luxury with a visit to Greyabbey House, the home of the Hon. Daphne Montgomery. An account of the day…

21st Anniversary

21st Anniversary

The Group’s 21st Anniversary Dinner was held in The Great Hall, Galgorm Manor on Wednesday, 13th November 1996 when a special anniversary cake was cut by Mrs Sandra Carson (President) and Mrs Margaret Barr (Chairperson). The following extract, giving an…

A Brief History

A Brief History

Sandra Carson, a former Art and Design teacher, was the driving force behind the development of floral art in Ballymena and surrounding districts from the early sixties. Passionate about flowers from an early age, she received initial tuition at the…