40th Anniversary

To mark the occasion of the club’s 40th Ruby Anniversary, a Celebration dinner was held at the Ross Park Hotel, Kells on the 15th April 2015.

Guests and members enjoyed a champagne reception upon entering the function room. The room was beautifully decorated with red floral arrangements created by Janet Wilson, Sylvia Kernohan, Karen Frew and Heather Hume. Many thanks to the ladies for all their hard work.

A collection of club memorabilia and old photographs were on display , these brought back lots of memories and prompted a few stories.

Joan Lockhart (NIGFAS President) and Barbara Megarry (NIGFAS Chairman) spoke briefly and Sandra Carson, Founder President, also addressed members and guests.

Guest speaker for the evening, The Very Rev Wm McMillan MBE, or ‘Mac’ as he is affectionately known, relayed an extremely amusing collection of stories which were both entertaining and inspiring.

The anniversary cake, cut by Founder President Sandra Carson and founder members, Mavis Speers and Margaret Barr, was then distributed and enjoyed by all. Audrey Steede (Treasurer) baked and decorated the lovely cake; many thanks to Audrey for all her hard work.

Presentations to prizewinners were as follows:-

The Ivan Watt MacMillan Trophy – Colleen Hamill
Ann Sambrook Trophy – Mamie Greer
Coral Trophy – Colleen Hamill
Elizabeth McLeister Vase – Maureen Laverty
Mavis Speers Trophy – Julie Carlisle
May Matthews Silver Salver – Colleen Hamill
Sadie Lorimer Shield – Margaret Bamford

Chairman, Mary Knox, thanked everyone who had come along to help Ballymena celebrate its 40th Anniversary. All in all it was a very successful and enjoyable evening and a wonderful celebration of our club’s history.